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The Words

The Words by Felicia Hunt

Rotting in the back of your throat growing in size and intensitybut not in strength. You cannot clear your mind of his hateful presence. The way he sucks your soul from your bodyand forces you to watchas you dance for him with no control. His puppet. The rotting words build up in your mouthchoking the life from you. Suffocating because you cannot push the decomposing tissue of those words out. You want to scream but you are a living corpse, a human doll, his plaything. His shadow looming over youand casting you into a bleak pit so dark you cannot see yourself. He is a leach sucking the blood of life. He is a flea hopping from victim to victim. He is a virus infecting youchoking out the words.

This poem required to make two reliefs. The first represented the way the victim feels like her life is being sucked away. Into a black hole.

The second is a representation of how her life has fallen to darkness. When looking flat it is swirls of beautiful color faded into a deep dark black. Like there is no escape. When you lift the rope attached a face is revealed looking straight on. A representation of how she is being suffocated, light fades to black.

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